Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Not church softball, but softball church

Last night was another softball game for my church team. The cool part about last night's game was that it was against the other team from our church. It was fun to play a semi-competitive game of softball with a bunch of middle-aged men. I play for a few reasons. Firstly, there's that whole competion flowing through my veins drowning out my blood thing. I can't help it. I just love playing and competing. Besides, some day I'll be one of those middle aged men trying to play with the young guys. Secondly this has been a great chance for me to get to know some more of the men from our church. Plus it's outside of the church setting which is where I can really get to know them. I love my church but the real communication I have with people generally happens outside of it's doors. Which is why the softball field should become our new church meeting place. Why not? I mean, some of these people I've never even seen at church anyway. And they are faithful to be the park every week, so let's give it a try. Pastor can speak from behind home plate. I'll have children's church in left field cause it's close to the porta-john. (Which by the way, let me say that this is the biggest Johnny-on-the-Job I've ever seen. There's enough room for a TV, Playstation, and love seat in that thing. Madden anyone?) Everyone can wear t-shirts and ball caps. We'll hire a few umpires to take offering and seat people in lawn chairs. And the concession stand can be...well, the concession stand. We'll sell food and drinks and maybe sunflower seeds. Besides we have to have someplace to store the communion bread and grape juice.

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