Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'll take this, but no thanks on that...

Right now I'm reading in the book of Job. He went through some junk. He was wealthy and probably powerful. Lost all that. He had a large family, that he loved. Lost all 10 kids. But at least he had his health right? Nope, lost that too. He even reached the point of sitting in the town dump and scraping the sores to dig out the infection. I don't know if he was just delirious by this point or if he just thought this seemed like the only other thing left to do. Finally, his wife gives him some admonishing words and suggests that he just curse God and die. Granted, she had just lost the wealth also. And had watched as 10 caskets were lowered into the ground. But I pray to God that Brandie is at least the slightest bit more encouraging to me at low points in our life.
Two amazing things stick out to me in this story.
1. It says that Job not only didn't sin in his words throughout this whole ordeal but instead he worshipped. Just in case your eyes did one of this skip a line things, I'll repeat that. HE WORSHIPPED. What? Why? How? I can't imagine feeling the need to worship God at a moment like that. I seriously doubt worship would have even crossed my mind within a few days of this whole ordeal. And even then it would have probably have been at least a few weeks before I could truly worship God. Not Job. He was unlike any other man on the face of the earth. That's why God chose him to show Satan how deep a relationship with the all-sufficient God can be.
2. Job says one of the most mind blowing things in chapter 2 verse 10. He says, according to the NIV(which I'm about to quote illegally), "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" Wow, if I am ever able to grasp this 9 simple words, I'm sure it will completely revolutionize my life. We can't accept the good from Him and tell Him that we would rather not take the rough parts. It just doesn't work like that. I'm going to have to accept the trials God gives me if I am planning on recieving His countless blessings. But why? I don't want to. So I don't have to...right? I wish. But instead I have to learn to take the rough stuff cause I sure like the more cushy things He has given me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you mean that you hope I will be encouraging in hard times? Whatever. Just curse God and die. No really, just love Jesus and Live. Besides, I can't afford our new house on my own. Your Wife