Thursday, July 20, 2006
Filled with the Spirit Video
Another video today. This is pretty funny. Definately church humor, but hilarious none the less. I personally like the part where he says to do the different Old Testament dances, the burning bush, the Red Sea, Two by Two, and Jericho. Funny stuff.
Soccer skills
Man I suck. I can't juggle more than like 10 times. This little kid is catching it and juggling and all sorts of craziness. Oh well.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Tennessee or Bust!!!
I used to think that vacation meant that you were going to some far away place, or to some place luxurious and out of the ordinary. Well tomorrow we leave to go on vacation and it doesn't involve a single one of those places above. We are simply going down to TN to visit family and friends for a few days. And quite frankly, I can't wait. Brandie and I both are looking forward to just getting away for a while and relaxing. We don't have a lot planned and I think that is making it even more exciting.
One thing we do have planned though is to revisit our old church. Neither of us has been there in a year now and except for the past few months we really haven't kept in touch very well with many of them. Not that we are ignoring them or don't want to be friends anymore. It just seemed easier to temporarily cut ties. By the time we return this coming Wednesday it will have been a full year since we have seem most all of these people. Our hearts beat with excitement, but I'll be honest. There is a small spot inside of me that is wondering how this is going to go. I am not sure where this little hang up is coming from, but I don't like it. I don't know if I am worried I'm gonna miss CrossRoads a lot? Or if I'm scared the kids won't really care that we are there? Or if we show up only to see that nothing has changed? Or (selfishly) if I see that a lot has changed for the better? I suppose that is the biggest and most truthful statement. What if I show up only to see that now that I have left these kids are growing and excelling in God's love and goodness? I know this is probably the most self-centered egotistical thing I could write. And it is this type of thinking that has marked youth pastors as working to build there own self-esteem instead of God's kingdom. But I am being completely honest. I truly believe that this is the little dark spot inside of me. And it's not that I want to see that they haven't grown since I've left cause that would be wonderful to see. It's just scary to think that if I wasn't a part of their growth, what makes me think I will be a part of the growth where I am at now? These are the wrestlings of my heart. But I'm still stoked about this trip. Stay tuned. Hopefully I'll be able to post while I'm chilling.
One thing we do have planned though is to revisit our old church. Neither of us has been there in a year now and except for the past few months we really haven't kept in touch very well with many of them. Not that we are ignoring them or don't want to be friends anymore. It just seemed easier to temporarily cut ties. By the time we return this coming Wednesday it will have been a full year since we have seem most all of these people. Our hearts beat with excitement, but I'll be honest. There is a small spot inside of me that is wondering how this is going to go. I am not sure where this little hang up is coming from, but I don't like it. I don't know if I am worried I'm gonna miss CrossRoads a lot? Or if I'm scared the kids won't really care that we are there? Or if we show up only to see that nothing has changed? Or (selfishly) if I see that a lot has changed for the better? I suppose that is the biggest and most truthful statement. What if I show up only to see that now that I have left these kids are growing and excelling in God's love and goodness? I know this is probably the most self-centered egotistical thing I could write. And it is this type of thinking that has marked youth pastors as working to build there own self-esteem instead of God's kingdom. But I am being completely honest. I truly believe that this is the little dark spot inside of me. And it's not that I want to see that they haven't grown since I've left cause that would be wonderful to see. It's just scary to think that if I wasn't a part of their growth, what makes me think I will be a part of the growth where I am at now? These are the wrestlings of my heart. But I'm still stoked about this trip. Stay tuned. Hopefully I'll be able to post while I'm chilling.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Happy Belated Birthday Brandie
Well, Brandie's birthday was last Thursday and here I am just getting around to writing about it. In my defense it's been a crazy couple weeks, but still...I'm a horrible husband. She is a fantastic wife. On the day of her birthday, she worked VBS for half the day, then went into work after that for the next few hours. I went home from work a little early so I could make her a cake which was good for a few days, and now it's just gross. (I'm not sure where I went wrong.) But when she got home we headed to Columbus and went to Outback. We splurged and even got ourselves a blooming onion. Yummy.
i just want to take a second though and say how great my wife is. She is a lot of fun to hang out with. She makes me laugh all the time even if she is just talking about a piece of pink paper. Secondly, she is a stinking genius. Biology...come on. I can barely spell it, but she is a master of it. She not only is booksmart but she also has a lot of common sense. She's very practical and down to earth. She has emotions but she isn't excessively emotional. She loves to watch sports with me. And basically she is the greatest wife ever. I appreciate her honesty. I find her incredibly attractive. And I love her. Last night we had a great night-though not her birthday-of watching the fireworks together. It was nearly a scene taken from a movie. We laid on a blanket in the grass watching the explosions take place over our heads. She curled up next to me with her head resting on my chest. I don't consider myself a romance buff, but it was definately a romantic moment for us.
Bran, I love you and praise God for you and your birthday.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Crazy Hectic
I know it has been a few weeks since I've posted. OOOOooopppsss. Oh well. Camp. VBS. Buying a house. Losing my mind. I'll post more soon and try and update on the chaos that is known as my life.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
The always funny Jack Black
I am one of the many followers of Jack Black. His physical comedy makes me roar with laughter. From his beginnings in High Fidelity to his soon to be released Nacho Libre, I enjoy him. (iTunes has even made available a video podcast in promotion of Nacho Libre. If you haven't partaken of podcast yet, you need to check them out at iTunes. You don't need a iPod to listen to them, in case you weren't aware of that yet.) But, I especially enjoy his musical side. It is most always light-hearted and amusing. I found this video clip of the Nickelodeon commercial he did. It is nothing special but his energy and charisma carries the commercial from cute little ditty status to stuck in your head for hours status. Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Not church softball, but softball church
Last night was another softball game for my church team. The cool part about last night's game was that it was against the other team from our church. It was fun to play a semi-competitive game of softball with a bunch of middle-aged men. I play for a few reasons. Firstly, there's that whole competion flowing through my veins drowning out my blood thing. I can't help it. I just love playing and competing. Besides, some day I'll be one of those middle aged men trying to play with the young guys. Secondly this has been a great chance for me to get to know some more of the men from our church. Plus it's outside of the church setting which is where I can really get to know them. I love my church but the real communication I have with people generally happens outside of it's doors. Which is why the softball field should become our new church meeting place. Why not? I mean, some of these people I've never even seen at church anyway. And they are faithful to be the park every week, so let's give it a try. Pastor can speak from behind home plate. I'll have children's church in left field cause it's close to the porta-john. (Which by the way, let me say that this is the biggest Johnny-on-the-Job I've ever seen. There's enough room for a TV, Playstation, and love seat in that thing. Madden anyone?) Everyone can wear t-shirts and ball caps. We'll hire a few umpires to take offering and seat people in lawn chairs. And the concession stand can be...well, the concession stand. We'll sell food and drinks and maybe sunflower seeds. Besides we have to have someplace to store the communion bread and grape juice.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I'll take this, but no thanks on that...
Right now I'm reading in the book of Job. He went through some junk. He was wealthy and probably powerful. Lost all that. He had a large family, that he loved. Lost all 10 kids. But at least he had his health right? Nope, lost that too. He even reached the point of sitting in the town dump and scraping the sores to dig out the infection. I don't know if he was just delirious by this point or if he just thought this seemed like the only other thing left to do. Finally, his wife gives him some admonishing words and suggests that he just curse God and die. Granted, she had just lost the wealth also. And had watched as 10 caskets were lowered into the ground. But I pray to God that Brandie is at least the slightest bit more encouraging to me at low points in our life.
Two amazing things stick out to me in this story.
1. It says that Job not only didn't sin in his words throughout this whole ordeal but instead he worshipped. Just in case your eyes did one of this skip a line things, I'll repeat that. HE WORSHIPPED. What? Why? How? I can't imagine feeling the need to worship God at a moment like that. I seriously doubt worship would have even crossed my mind within a few days of this whole ordeal. And even then it would have probably have been at least a few weeks before I could truly worship God. Not Job. He was unlike any other man on the face of the earth. That's why God chose him to show Satan how deep a relationship with the all-sufficient God can be.
2. Job says one of the most mind blowing things in chapter 2 verse 10. He says, according to the NIV(which I'm about to quote illegally), "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" Wow, if I am ever able to grasp this 9 simple words, I'm sure it will completely revolutionize my life. We can't accept the good from Him and tell Him that we would rather not take the rough parts. It just doesn't work like that. I'm going to have to accept the trials God gives me if I am planning on recieving His countless blessings. But why? I don't want to. So I don't have to...right? I wish. But instead I have to learn to take the rough stuff cause I sure like the more cushy things He has given me.
Two amazing things stick out to me in this story.
1. It says that Job not only didn't sin in his words throughout this whole ordeal but instead he worshipped. Just in case your eyes did one of this skip a line things, I'll repeat that. HE WORSHIPPED. What? Why? How? I can't imagine feeling the need to worship God at a moment like that. I seriously doubt worship would have even crossed my mind within a few days of this whole ordeal. And even then it would have probably have been at least a few weeks before I could truly worship God. Not Job. He was unlike any other man on the face of the earth. That's why God chose him to show Satan how deep a relationship with the all-sufficient God can be.
2. Job says one of the most mind blowing things in chapter 2 verse 10. He says, according to the NIV(which I'm about to quote illegally), "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" Wow, if I am ever able to grasp this 9 simple words, I'm sure it will completely revolutionize my life. We can't accept the good from Him and tell Him that we would rather not take the rough parts. It just doesn't work like that. I'm going to have to accept the trials God gives me if I am planning on recieving His countless blessings. But why? I don't want to. So I don't have to...right? I wish. But instead I have to learn to take the rough stuff cause I sure like the more cushy things He has given me.
Friday, June 02, 2006
School's out
So being a youth pastor means my life is greatly affected by student's lifes. And this week is the week of all weeks for every student. This is the week that school let out. My life will take a very busy turn now for the next 2 months. I'm not complaining...yet... I am really thankful to get to do this. Today was the last day for students who go to CCS (the christian school associated with my church) and a couple of kids came by to say goodbye. The funny thing is that I didn't even have that great of a relationship with them. Yesterday, was wonderful though. I went out to lunch with 4 of the guys that I have spent the most time with over the past year. They are a fun loving group of guys who I am going to miss having around. They will all be moving up into the high school part of our ministry. I know that they won't be gone from the face of the earth but it won't quite be the same without them. They were my first group of kids from when we started working here and there is always something special about that first group at a new place. So for the next few weeks I am going to really try and enjoy their company, before it's gone.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Our Heazzzzzzzyyyyyy
Well, the whole house thing worked out. We're buying a house. I can hardly believe it. It has been an exciting process. I know the process isn't over, but I'm still stoked. We probably won't be able to move in until the first of September, but I'm cool with that. It gives us some time to get things ready and to not have to mow the grass a little longer. Actually I'm bubbling with the idea of working in my own yard. That will probably wear off within a year but for the time being I am going to enjoy it.
Go check it out...∝=2725135&ID=6902
Go check it out...∝=2725135&ID=6902
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Biting my Toenails...
Alright, Bran and I are in the process of buying a house. And today is the day that we made an offer. Now we play the waiting game. We wait till the selling couple either accepts, denies, or counters our offer. Till that point we wait. Cricket sound, Cricket sound(chirp, chirp for all you non-imaginative types). We are supposed to find out before 9:00 this evening. But that is nearly an eternity away. I know that the rest of the day my mind is going to be wandering to "So, do they like our offer, or do they not? Are we really about to do this? I'm buying a house!!! Was there a clause in the contract about me getting attacked by a rabid pack of squirrels in the house and who pays for those damages?" My mind is not going to rest. And even worse yet, is that I know once I find out my mind will only continue to gain steam at that point. It is a raging whirlwind that I have actually chosen to be a part of and am mildly enjoying it. So for the next 5, 6 or 7 hours until I find out, I will continue being anxious(which I am), looking at the clock(which it is exactly 2:07 right now), checking to see that my phone is working(which it isn't...piece of junk), and biting my toenails(which I wouldn't actually do cause that is just sick, not even fingernails...ewww).
Monday, May 22, 2006
Becoming One
Brandie and I had a great weekend. Not to get to personal on this thing. We have had our struggles in the past like everyone does but finally this weekend I feel like we had a small breakthrough. We had a very personal discussion that showed us a few things about us. One of those things was that we could communicate at an intimate, personal level. It is difficult to open yourself up to let someone else see you for who you really are. It is also difficult to make decisions knowing that the reprecussions from those decisions may not be liked by all people. I honestly feel that this weekend was a huge turning point for the better for us. Some areas we opened up and talked about this weekend will be affecting us the rest of our lives. The craziest thing is that none of this conversation involved us buying a house, which is also going to have a pretty big affect on our lives. I know that we are no where near perfect or even an example to follow after but I am still thankful for the steps that she and I made this weekend in becoming one.
On a lighter note, check out the link to see some great dancing. This guy is funny and entertaining doing a little bit of everything for everyone. I wish I had skills like that but God chose to bless me with two left feet and no sense of rhythm.
On a lighter note, check out the link to see some great dancing. This guy is funny and entertaining doing a little bit of everything for everyone. I wish I had skills like that but God chose to bless me with two left feet and no sense of rhythm.
Friday, May 19, 2006
"That 2000's Show"
I recorded the finale of "That 70's Show" for Brandie last night cause I knew she would like it and she had to work. So we watched it last night at about 10:30 together. At the end of the show, two of the title characters, Eric and Donna are talking about their love for each other. Donna had just looked back at their relationship over the past years of the show. During this flashback you see a scrawny, dorky Eric very much in love with a beautiful, smart Donna. They really don't fit together but the show made it happen. It was during this little flashback took place that I realized I am Eric and Brandie is Donna. She is totally out of my league and I never should have ended up with her. She is the smart, funny, beautiful one. I am the dorky, scrawny one. I am not sure exactly how God organized this one, I suppose this isn't really a difficult task for Him compared to small things like creation, or unconditional love. But I am truly blessed and I definately married up. Cause this "Eric's" "Donna" is way out of his league.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Children make me Happy
No, children don't make me happy like that, you perv!!! I would have to say that kids have a way of bringing a smile to my face. I have had a busy day/week, and today I walked in to do a chapel for kindergarten through 3rd graders. I had already done one chapel for the day which was for 4th through 8th graders and it was okay but those kids are so busy trying to act cool and like they don't care that they forget that they have a pulse beating in their veins. But the younger group is so alive. I really can't think of a better word. And that life is infectous. It is hard for me to worry about some of lifes struggles right now when those little kids aren't worried and just want to see you smiling and talking with them. Part of me longs to go back to those days. Not that I am SSSOOOOOO unhappy now. I'm really not. I'm actually probably the happiest I've ever been. But remember when the most important thing about your day was how long you were going to get to ride your bike. Or will dad bring me some candy when he comes home from work? (Luckily, Brandie still brings me candy when she comes home from work sometimes.) A carefree life, that must be what makes children so alive.
I hate to have to be one of those people but I'm gonna quickly comment on last night's American Idol. I always liked Elliot. He was just an all-around nice guy. The type of guy you wanted to be your friend, not because of the excitement of craziness he would bring but more because of the stableness or trustworthiness. I'm not trying to say I know all about him but he just seems like a nice guy. He has a great voice. I was sad to see him go. The whole show seemed to be a set-up for his departure, like everyone knew he was going to be leaving. Paula balling her eyes out. What a freak.
As the AI year has progressed, I've gradually become less interested though. I guess I'm one of those junkies who likes the beginning of the year when you have the people who can't sing but don't know it. Or the ones who want to create all sorts of drama. Now it's down to Katharine and Taylor. I really hope that Taylor is able to pick up all of Elliot's voters.
One other thing about last night. Is it just me or is that show becoming more and more of a commercial. Whether for Coke, or Ford, or last night for the American Idol CD. It's doing commercial's about itself now. It's ridiculous.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Dueteronomy is the book I'm reading right now for devotions. Two days ago was when God gave Moses the 10 Commandments for when they moved into the Israel(Not in real life-I mean, in my reading 2 days ago). Yesterday Moses was telling the people that they were to follow those laws and to teach them to their children. They were to make it such a part of their life that they would talk about it constantly.
Today's reading was especially interesting though. Moses was telling the people that when they moved into the Promised land they were to be careful to remember who they were and where they came from. God had brought them out of slavery in Egypt and was about to give them a land of their own to live on and populate(that populating part sounds fun, huh). Moses then commented on God being a jealous God and that they should be cautious to not begin worshipping the gods of the land they were about to inhabit.
When we say "God is a jealous God." it always sounds so mean. Jealousy is recognized in our society as being entirely evil. We're not supposed to be jealous. Then it kind of hit me. God has every right to be jealous. I mean He brought them out of slavery. Cared for their needs while they traveled around for 40 years trying to get their acts straight. Then gives them a large chunk of land. Why wouldn't He be jealous? He has cared for them like they were His own-which they were.
And what about me. God has saved me from being an eternal slave to sin. He continues to care for each of my needs and many of my wants while I wander around on earth trying to get my stuff together. Then to top it all off and slightly quote the old hym-"He's built a mansion for me in GLORY!" I don't blame him for being jealous and expecting that I give Him my all.
Dueteronomy is the book I'm reading right now for devotions. Two days ago was when God gave Moses the 10 Commandments for when they moved into the Israel(Not in real life-I mean, in my reading 2 days ago). Yesterday Moses was telling the people that they were to follow those laws and to teach them to their children. They were to make it such a part of their life that they would talk about it constantly.
Today's reading was especially interesting though. Moses was telling the people that when they moved into the Promised land they were to be careful to remember who they were and where they came from. God had brought them out of slavery in Egypt and was about to give them a land of their own to live on and populate(that populating part sounds fun, huh). Moses then commented on God being a jealous God and that they should be cautious to not begin worshipping the gods of the land they were about to inhabit.
When we say "God is a jealous God." it always sounds so mean. Jealousy is recognized in our society as being entirely evil. We're not supposed to be jealous. Then it kind of hit me. God has every right to be jealous. I mean He brought them out of slavery. Cared for their needs while they traveled around for 40 years trying to get their acts straight. Then gives them a large chunk of land. Why wouldn't He be jealous? He has cared for them like they were His own-which they were.
And what about me. God has saved me from being an eternal slave to sin. He continues to care for each of my needs and many of my wants while I wander around on earth trying to get my stuff together. Then to top it all off and slightly quote the old hym-"He's built a mansion for me in GLORY!" I don't blame him for being jealous and expecting that I give Him my all.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
My Mind Is Going to Explode
Brandie and I are looking into possibly buying a house. This is an all new experience for me and I feel like my mind is about to explode. I have been making phone calls, researching online, and trying to sort out information and advice. I have been trying to pack it all into my small cranium with big ears. I have about 4 different types of loans and their corresponding interest rates bouncing around at any given second. I know that the payoff will be worth it-assuming we are able to get the house. As long as I'm alive to enjoy it.
Brandie and I are looking into possibly buying a house. This is an all new experience for me and I feel like my mind is about to explode. I have been making phone calls, researching online, and trying to sort out information and advice. I have been trying to pack it all into my small cranium with big ears. I have about 4 different types of loans and their corresponding interest rates bouncing around at any given second. I know that the payoff will be worth it-assuming we are able to get the house. As long as I'm alive to enjoy it.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Alright, So just cause I have a picture of myself on here doesn't mean I'm vain. I am trying to post this picture so that I can also upload it to my profile. I'm relatively good at this internet computer thing-even though I just think it's a passing fad-but I'm still learning.
I just want to comment for a minute on my night last night. I work at a church and the church also has a small christian school that goes along with it. Well this school has been practicing for the past few weeks for the upcoming children's musical. It just so happens that my door is right next to the auditorium and I can hear most everything that they have been doing. Not all of it I suppose, but enough to be able to sing along with some of the songs. So I thought I was going to be able to miss out on the program cause I had other things to do. Well, sure enough, all of my other things got canceled leaving me with only this musical to do. Now, I suppose I could have easily stayed home but all I would have done is watch TV or play PS2. How important are those two things? -Okay, you're right, Playstation is extremely important, but that is besides the point.- So I went to the program with less than the best of attitudes and was floored but what I saw. I saw a bunch of kids singing, telling a story, and working as one group. My entire attitude changed throughout the course of the night. It was great. I was extremely happy I had gone and watched. There were your classic child moments like the couple of kids who can't stand still but try so hard and you can see on their faces that it is probably hurting them to try to be still for this long. Or your classic kid who says his line at a serious part but says it with the biggest grin and a slight giggle. That of course just sends me laughing hysterically. Aside from the mildly cheesy choreography and story line, which I wouldn't have changed for anything; the entire night was great. The kids very clearly presented Jesus' love for the world in a fun and enjoyable way that only kids can pull off.
Though to be quite honest, the whole night, I was like this is one big episode of "KidSongs". Which for those of you who never saw this, was a program that ran on TV when I was a kid on Saturday mornings featuring a bunch of kids singing kids songs(thus the name, genuises) and dancing rather ridiculously. The premise was that one of the kids had gained entrance to an old abandoned TV studio and they decided to clean it up and put it to use to air their own show. The showed sucked but I was always strangely drawn to watching it. But this was more of a Christian "KidSongs". And once again I was strangely drawn in to the children's joyous world.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Well, this begins my blogging journey. I have many questions about all this though.
Why am I doing this? Do I think I have something worthy of documenting and saving? Will I use this more as a way of letting people keep in touch with what is going on in my life? Do I just want people to hear what I have to say? Will I stay at this or will it eventually taper off? Will I keep the format of it neat and clean or sloppy and informal? How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop? Will this stretch me to be more creative and dynamic in communicating? Will it include pictures and links? Will it be funny? Intuitive? Creative? Political? Spiritual? A blended smoothy of several of these items? I could continue jotting down questions for days and maybe that is what this will become. A place for me to question.
In any way, I am not secure enough yet in this digital diarying to let everyone read this. So for now I will keep this to myself and maybe to my wife. She will be objective with me about this and tell me what's up. Then maybe she'll make me some brownies...hint, hint. That just makes me laugh cause if you know my wife she isn't the hint, hint type. It's straightforward, which I am very thankful for. I don't have time for guessing games. Anyway, maybe someday I will feel adaquate enough to let the world in on my personal wanderings, questionings, and laughings. Until then, I'm just going to keep this private. (At least, as private as anything is on the internet.)
Why am I doing this? Do I think I have something worthy of documenting and saving? Will I use this more as a way of letting people keep in touch with what is going on in my life? Do I just want people to hear what I have to say? Will I stay at this or will it eventually taper off? Will I keep the format of it neat and clean or sloppy and informal? How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop? Will this stretch me to be more creative and dynamic in communicating? Will it include pictures and links? Will it be funny? Intuitive? Creative? Political? Spiritual? A blended smoothy of several of these items? I could continue jotting down questions for days and maybe that is what this will become. A place for me to question.
In any way, I am not secure enough yet in this digital diarying to let everyone read this. So for now I will keep this to myself and maybe to my wife. She will be objective with me about this and tell me what's up. Then maybe she'll make me some brownies...hint, hint. That just makes me laugh cause if you know my wife she isn't the hint, hint type. It's straightforward, which I am very thankful for. I don't have time for guessing games. Anyway, maybe someday I will feel adaquate enough to let the world in on my personal wanderings, questionings, and laughings. Until then, I'm just going to keep this private. (At least, as private as anything is on the internet.)
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